3 Fit Tips For A Healthy Weekend
So you’ve been dieting and exercising all week and now comes the weekend. Do you binge on all your “guilty pleasure foods”and slack on working out, or should you stick with the plan and goals you’ve set for yourself to get healthy?
Treat your health like it’s a lifestyle, not just something you’re temporarily doing to lose some weight and firm up. Good health has to be a long term goal, something that you desire for yourself to be happy, to feel good about yourself. When you hit that feeling … then the weekend will be just like any other weekday.
So how is this done? Check the fit tips we’ve outlined below.
Follow the same schedule you’ve been on Monday through Friday, especially if your food choices have kept you energized and fueled up. Keep eating breakfast, lunch and dinner, and keep your pantry or fridge stocked with all your healthy snacks. And be sure to not skip any meals. However If you’ve been depriving yourself or starving yourself M-F just to lose some pounds, and feel the weekends are a time to binge – then maybe it’s time to reevaluate your diet. If you stay on that path your plan will backfire and those pounds will definitely find their way back.
If you work a 9-5 job Monday through Friday, then your weekends should afford you some extra time at home. Take advantage of this extra time and try to fit in an extra activity. It doesn’t have to be an intense workout, or exercises that will wipe you out. What I’m advocating for is to stray from your daily workout routine. If the weathers nice, hop on your bicycle and ride a couple miles, maybe take a longer walk, or just do an activity outside. Studies have shown that people who spend time out in nature are happier – so make it fun but keep it relaxing.
Yes it’s the weekend … and when we were younger the weekends meant staying up all night – which also meant sleeping till noon the next day. If you’re serious about getting healthy then don’t change your sleep or eating patterns. This doesn’t mean stop having fun – but what it does mean is don’t overindulge so it sabotages your goals or the success you’ve had so far.
So keep up what you’ve been doing Monday thru Friday and don’t let the weekend get the best of you 🙂 enjoy