21 Day Bone Broth Diet Recipes

My 21-Day Bone Broth Diet Transformation – 7.2lbs Lighter
21 Day Bone Broth Diet Recipes. So I started Dr Kelly Ann’s bone broth diet 3 weeks + 2 days ago and religiously followed her YES foods and NO foods. I created recipes from her book, and made my own dishes from the YES list of foods. I ate everything I made on the recommended 5 days and then fasted for the other 2.
And I wanted to do this for 3 weeks (21 days) so I could give my honest review of the 21 Day Bone Broth Diet. So without further ado, this is the review of My 21-Day Bone Broth Diet Transformation – 7.2lbs Lighter.
Bone Broth Diet Recipes
For starters, I just wanted to let it be known that I’ve made every batch of bone broth in my slow cooker, ranging from Beef, Chicken, and Pork (click for recipes) no store bought bone broths crossed my lips. And I can honestly say, the homemade broth’s are absolutely amazing and delicious, easy to make, especially in a slow cooker where you set it and forget it (my kind of cooking for sure).

So I’ve fasted before and have dieted before, so I knew what I was getting into. My main concern was the headaches I anticipated on getting while fasting – headache were always something I would get from previous fasts. But truth be told, I never got a headache from lack of food, no hunger pangs, or any jonesing for solid foods during the fast – the bone broth actually did the trick. This is not to say I didn’t look forward to the next day when I was able to eat “solid foods” again, because I did.
I’m not an extremely overweight person and my goal was to only lose 10 pounds. And to be 100% transparent here, I started the Bone Broth Diet right before the Christmas Holiday and wound up having two days of faltering. They were on Christmas Eve when I had lasagna and wine and then the day after Christmas when I hosted a Football party and made homemades, crabby snacks, and drank expresso martini’s (damn they were delicious and fun). No will power there my friends !! So I had to add two more days to the diet.
21 Day Bone Broth Diet Recipes
And now, after being on the 21 Day Bone Broth Diet, today is the day of truth, where I hop on the scale to see what my total weight loss is. And guess what? I’ve lost a total of 7.2lbs. Was this the “up to 15 pounds” as the diet claimed? Well no. And if you’ve been following along, you’ll see I never really expected to lose 15lbs. But I sure am grateful for the 7.2lbs that I did lose as I feel it and most definitely see it.
1) I can feel that my body is burning fat more efficiently, as proven by the weight loss
2) I’m feeling lighter, more energetic, and focused
3) I can see my skin is starting to improve with elasticity and hydration thanks to the bone broth
4) And I can see that my clothes are looser and not so damn tight anymore
These past 21-23 days were a total win/win for me. So if you’re interested in this diet and want to see what I’ve been making and consuming over the last 21 days, click the links below as I’m putting all the days meals on here. Click the links and see the recipes I’ve made so far. Or you can click this link BONE BROTH DIET as they’re there as well.
And if you’re climbing on board and want to make your own meals, I can send you the PDF’s for the YES and NO FOOD lists on what you should eat and what you should avoid. Just sign up below and let me know where to send them. Better yet, if you want to buy The Bone Broth Diet book and have access to all the recipes and goodies, click the link and get it for a good price.
And I’ll be really honest with you, the Bone Broth Food Regime doesn’t stop today. My YES list is hanging on my fridge to remind me of what I can eat to sustain my good health. Because as you know … I AM OVER AGE 50 – PLUS SOME, and I want to be on this earth for years to come – strong and healthy and not lying in a bed having someone take care of me. That is my plan – I pray that it is yours as well. PEACE 🙂
Bone Broth Diet Recipes
Meals For 21 Days